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Amedore Homes Subdivision Review Process rev 6 3 14
Glen Oaks Subdivision Proposal by Amedore Homes

The next scheduled meeting on the review of the proposed Amedore Homes/Glen Oaks Subdivision application will take place on Monday, July 14, 2014 by the Town of Glenville Planning & Zoning Commission (PZC).  The PZC’s meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m.  This meeting is a continuation of the preliminary subdivision review that commenced in March.  It is not a public hearing, but the meeting is open to attendance by the public.  A public hearing will be scheduled during the final subdivision phase of the project.  The earliest that this could happen is August 11.

2/25/14 (revised)
3/31/14 (revised)
5/22/14 (revised)
6/3/14 (revised)